a. Standard Solutions

SBC offers Standard solutions by personal interaction In Office and also in Online Solutions through Phone , Email & Video (Online Solutions)

1. Employment Path Designing
    (for rewarding Employment )

2. Employability Improvement Solutions
    ( Better salary | Better Terms | Good Company | Others)

3. Resume Solutions : To impress and get Interview call
    ( New | Improvement )


  1. Resume Writing (New | Editing)
    1. Fresher to 5 years experienced
    2. Above 5 years to 10 years Experience
    3. Above 10 years Experience

  2. Visual Resume

  3. Resume review and amendment for better job (Editing of already return resume)

  4. Other interesting solution against request

4.Cover Letter : A tool to differentiate your application

SBC offers two options :

Option 1 : Regular

Cover letter that Complements your CV and differentiate your job application thereby inviting Interview

Option 2 : Customised

Customized Cover letter for specific job vacancy to impress Recruiter

Please refer Online solutions for Prices

5. Interview Solution :To impress Recruiter and get a rewarding Job
    ( Preparation | Confidence Multiplier )

  1. Basic Tips
    (max 30 min )
  2. Advance Tips specific to your CV
    (max 1 hour. Requires your CV study)
  3. Mock Interview : Personal or Through Video
    (Best Solution which multiplies your confidence, gives you better salary and Terms of Job)
    Follow up to assess your improvement (optional)
    Details on above against Request

Please refer Online solutions for Prices

6. Linkedin Value Added Profile

7. Job Ready (Limited Solution)

8. Job Ready (Total Solution)

Please upload you CV in Job Seeker

Please refer Online Solutions

We Deliver:

Clarity | Confidence | Performance Improvements | Guidance | Training | Growth Solutions